Proven Results

Moving Beyond Depression™ is a research-based program using In Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IH-CBT). It has been tested and refined in the “real world” since 2002 and is backed by a multitude of research and positive results. A clinical trial funded by the National Institute of Mental Health found that:

Compared to controls, mothers receiving IH-CBT:

  • Had substantial drops in symptoms of depression
  • No longer met criteria for major depressive disorder (70% recovery) at the end of treatment
  • Reported improved coping with stress, fewer relationship difficulties, increased social support, and more satisfaction in the maternal role
  • Reported substantial drops in self-reported psychological distress and increased social support
  • Reported greater ability to function effectively at home, school, work, and in relationships
  • Had an average of 11.2 treatment sessions, in contrast to the average of 4.3 in adult outpatient clinics

In addition:

  • Mothers who had the biggest gains were younger and received more IH-CBT sessions and home visits
  • Mothers who were maltreated in childhood showed particularly large gains in the number of people in their social networks following treatment
  • Mothers who recovered from depression reported that they coped better with stress related to the parenting role, their children improved in social and emotional health, and they had more nurturing and stimulating interactions with their children
  • Mothers receiving IH-CBT had an average of 3.2 additional home visits during the treatment phase relative to controls
  • Mothers who fully completed IH-CBT treatment remained in home visiting up to 4 ½ months longer in contrast to mothers who did not receive treatment

IH-CBT is cost-effective

An economic analysis (Ammerman et al., 2015) revealed that IH-CBT is a cost-effective strategy over three years provided a willingness to pay threshold of $25,000/Quality Adjusted Life Years. This finding reflects an estimated 8 additional depression-free months in IH-CBT treated mothers in the first year following treatment compared to typical depression treatment.

Our research on maternal depression and home visiting

Below are key articles and conference presentations on Moving Beyond Depression™ and depressed mothers. For additional information visit Ammerman Research Lab.



Ammerman, R. T. (2017). Opportunities and Challenges in Addressing Maternal Depression in Community Settings. JAMA psychiatry.

Folger A.T., Putnam K.T., Putnam F.W., Peugh, J.L., Eismann E.A., Sa T., Shapiro R.A., Van Ginkel, J.B., & Ammerman, R.T. (2017). Maternal interpersonal trauma and child social‐emotional development: An intergenerational effect. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 31(2), 99-107.

Shenk, C.E., Ammerman, R.T., Teeters, A.R., Allen, E.K., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2017). History of child maltreatment and subsequent parenting stress in at-risk, first-time mothers: Identifying points of intervention in home visiting to promote child development. Prevention Science, 18(3), 361-370.

Ammerman, R.T., Mallow, P.J., Rizzo, J.A., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2017). Cost-effectiveness of in-home cognitive behavioral therapy for low-income depressed mothers participating in early childhood prevention programs. Journal of Affective Disorders, 208, 475-482.

Ammerman, R. T., Chen, J., Mallow, P. J., Rizzo, J. A., Folger, A. T., & Van Ginkel, J. B. (2016). Annual direct health care expenditures and employee absenteeism costs in high-risk, low-income mothers with major depression. Journal of affective disorders, 190, 386-394.

Teeters, A. R., Ammerman, R. T., Shenk, C. E., Goyal, N. K., Folger, A. T., Putnam, F. W., & Van Ginkel, J. B. (2016). Predictors of maternal depressive symptom trajectories over the first 18 months in home visiting. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 86(4), 415-424.

Ammerman, R.T. (2016). Commentary: Toward the next generation of home visiting programs: New developments and promising directions. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Healthcare. 46(4), 126-129.

Goyal, N.K., Folger, A.T., Hall, E.S., Ammerman, R.T., Van Ginkel, J.B., & Pickler, R.S. (2015). Effects of home visiting and maternal mental health on use of the emergency department among late preterm infants. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 44, 135-144.

Ammerman, R.T., Peugh, J.L., Teeters, A.R., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2015). Child maltreatment history and response to CBT treatment in depressed mothers participating in home visiting. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.

Ammerman, R.T., Altaye, M., Putnam, F.W., Teeters, A.R., Zou, Y., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2015). Depression improvement and parenting in low income mothers in home visiting. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 18, 555-563.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Teeters, A.R., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2014). Moving beyond depression: a collaborative approach to treating maternal depression in home visiting. Zero to Three Journal, 35, 20-27.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Altaye, M., Teeters, A.R., Stevens, J., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2013). Treatment of depressed mothers in home visiting: impact on psychological distress and social functioning. Child Abuse & Neglect, 36, 544-554.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Altaye, M., Stevens, J., Teeters, A.R., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2013). A clinical trial of in-home CBT for depressed mothers in home visitation. Behavior Therapy, 44, 359-372.

Ammerman, R.T., Shenk, C.E., Teeters, A.R., Noll, J.G., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2013). Multiple mediation analysis of trauma and parenting stress in mothers in home visiting. Infant Mental Health Journal, 34, 234-241.

Ammerman R.T., & Tandon, D.S. (2012). Maternal mental health outcomes and children’s mental health and home visiting. Spiker D, Gaylor E, topic eds. In: Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec: Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development and Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Child Development; 2012:1-8. Available at:

Ammerman, R.T., Peugh, J.L., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2012). Predictors of treatment response in depressed mothers receiving in-home cognitive behavioral therapy and concurrent home visiting. Behavior Modification, 36, 462-481.

Ammerman, R.T., Shenk, C.E., Teeters, A.R., Noll, J.G., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2012). Impact of depression and childhood trauma in mothers receiving home visitation. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21,612-625.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Chard, K.M., Stevens, J., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2012). PTSD in depressed mothers in home visitation. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 4, 186-195.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Stevens, J., Bosse, N.R., Short, J.A., Bodley, A.L., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2011). An open trial of in-home CBT for depressed mothers in home visitation. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 15, 1333-1341.

Ammerman, R. T., Putnam, F. W., Bosse, N. B., Teeters, A. R., & Van Ginkel, J. B. (2010). Maternal depression in home visitation: a systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15, 191-200.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Altaye, M., Chen, L., Holleb, L.J., Stevens, J., Short, J.A., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2009). Changes in depressive symptoms in first time mothers in home visitation. Child Abuse & Neglect, 33, 127-138.

Ammerman, R.T., Bodley, A.L., Putnam, F.W., Lopez, W.L., Holleb, L.J., Stevens, J., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2007). In-home cognitive behavior therapy for a depressed mother in a home visitation program. Clinical Case Studies, 6, 161-180.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Stevens, J., Holleb, L.J., Novak, A.L., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2005). In-home cognitive behavior therapy for depression: an adapted treatment for first time mothers in home visitation. Best Practices in Mental Health, 1, 1-14.



Stevens, J., Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2002). Depression and trauma history in first time mothers receiving home visitation. Journal of Community Psychology, 30, 551-564.

Conference Presentations

Ammerman, R.T., Mallow, P.J., Chen, J., Rizzo, J.A., Folger, A.T., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2015, November). Direct health care costs, out of pocket expenditures and employee absenteeism in high-risk, low income mothers with major depression. Paper presented at Biennial Perinatal Health Conference, Chicago.

Ammerman, R.T., Peugh, J.L., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2015, May). Evidence for synergy between home visiting and maternal depression treatment. Paper presented at The Collaborative Science of Home Visiting Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Ammerman, R.T. (2014, October). A collaborative model for treating maternal depression in home visiting programs. Paper presented at the Parents as Teachers Conference, St. Louis.

Goyal, N.K., Folger, A.T., Hall, E.S., Ammerman, R.T., Van Ginkel, J.B., Pickler, R.S. (2014, May). Interaction effect of maternal mental health and late preterm birth on emergency department use in infancy. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian Society for Pediatric Research, Vancouver.

Ammerman, R.T. (2014, March). Addressing maternal depression and trauma in home visiting. Keynote address at Parental Depression: Impact on Families and Children, 3rd Annual Strengthening Families Summit on Parental Depression, New Hampshire Children’s Trust, Concord, New Hampshire.

Hughes, M.M., Steinberg-Gallucci, K., Novak, K., Leal, M.M., Peugh, J.L., Putnam, F.W., & Ammerman, R.T. (2014, February). CT depression improvement study: Replication of a clinical trial of in-home CBT for depressed mothers in home visitation. Poster presented at the Fourth National Summit on Quality in Home Visiting Programs, Washington, D.C.

Teeters, A.R., Ammerman, R.T., Shenk, C.E., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2014, February). Depression trajectories in mothers in home visiting. Poster presented at the Fourth National Summit on Quality in Home Visiting Programs, Washington, D.C.

Ammerman, R.T. Treating maternal depression in home visiting: A collaborative model. Workshop presented at the Zero to Three National Training Institute, San Antonio, December 11-14, 2013.

Teeters, A.R., Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2013, November). Predictors of CBT treatment completion in depressed first-time mothers participating in a home visiting program. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Altaye, M., Peugh, J.L., Stevens, J., Teeters, A.R., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2013, November). In-Home CBT for depressed mothers in home visiting: Impacts on maternal psychopathology, social functioning and home visiting services. Paper presented at the 2013 Perinatal Mental Health: Optimizing Maternal Treatment to Improve Infant Outcomes Conference, Chicago.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Altaye, M., Teeters, A.R., Stevens, J., Zou, Y., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2013, November). Recovery from depression and changes in parenting and child behavior in new mothers. Paper presented at the 2013 Perinatal Mental Health: Optimizing Maternal Treatment to Improve Infant Outcomes Conference, Chicago.

Ammerman, R.T., Peugh, J.L., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2012, November). Predictors of treatment response in depressed mothers receiving In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and concurrent home visiting. Paper presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, Maryland.

Ammerman, R.T. (2012, October). Effectively treating maternal depression in home visiting:   Results from a clinical trial of In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Presented at the Prevent Child Abuse America National Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

Ammerman, R.T. (2012, July). Treatment of postpartum depression in the context of home visiting. Paper presented at the Children’s Defense Fund National Meeting, Cincinnati.

Ammerman, R.T., Teeters, A.R., Putnam, F.W., Schaller, L.E., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2011, November). Screening to treatment: Identifying maternal depression in the context of an early childhood prevention program. Paper presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Altaye, M., Stevens, J., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2011, November). Reaching the underserved: An adapted CBT treatment for postpartum depression in early prevention programs. Spotlight Research Presentation presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Stevens, J., Altaye, M.A., & Van Ginkel, V.B. (2010, October). A clinical trial of an adapted treatment of CBT with depressed mothers in home visitation. Paper presented at The Marcé Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Chard, K., Bosse, N.R. & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2009, November). PTSD in depressed mothers in home visitation. Paper presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Teeters, A.R., Stevens, J., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2009, May). Treatment of maternal depression in home visitation: Impact on psychopathology and social functioning. Paper presented at the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, D.C.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Bosse, N.R., Teeters, A.R., Altaye, M., Stevens, J., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2009, May). Treatment of maternal depression in home visitation: Preliminary findings from a clinical trial. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Society, Baltimore.

Ammerman, R.T. (2008, May). Treatment of maternal depression in home visitation. Invited presentation at the Prevent Child Abuse America Conference, Milwaukee.

Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., Stevens, J., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2007, August). In-home CBT for depressed mothers in home visitation. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Putnam, F.W., Ammerman, R.T., Patton, N., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2007, August). Psychometrics of the Maternal Attitudes Questionnaire in depressed mothers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.

Teeters, A.R., Ammerman, R.T., Putnam, F.W., & Van Ginkel, J.B. (2007, May). Depression, social support, and trauma in home visitation. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago.

Ammerman, R.T., & Milinkovich. S.J. Treatment of maternal depression in home visitation. Workshop presented at the Prevent Child Abuse America National Conference, San Diego, May 22, 2006.