Moving Beyond DepressionTM (MBD) has been adopted by home visiting programs operating in 8 states. Collectively, MBD™ is offered in home visiting programs that serve more than 18,000
mothers and children a year.
Current Moving Beyond Depression Sites
Every Child Succeeds® (ECS) provides home visitation to mothers in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. ECS® delivers services to over 3,500 mothers a year and provides families support to ensure an optimal start for their children. ECS® offers MBDTM to English and Spanish speaking mothers enrolled in the following home visitation models; Healthy Families America®, Nurse-Family Partnership®, Early Head Start, and HRSA Healthy Start.
Kentucky’s Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS), has been offering the MBDTM program to mothers enrolled in their program since 2012. HANDS provides home visitation to pregnant moms-to-be and new parents that supports all areas of a baby’s development. HANDS is an evidence-based model that focuses on the following areas, positive pregnancy outcomes, optimal child growth and development, healthy, safe homes for children and family self-sufficiency. HANDS offers MBDTM to more than 4,000 mothers living in 46 counties.
Lancaster General Health became the fifth Moving Beyond DepressionTM site in January of 2015. This program is designed to help mothers have healthier, smarter babies with better outcomes. Lancaster General Health’s Nurse-Family Partnership ® program serves more than 170 mothers year in Lancaster, PA.
Nevada County Public Health Department, California, launched Moving Beyond Depression™ in August 2015 with two therapists serving English and Spanish speaking mothers. In Nevada County, approximately 130 families a year receive services through the following home visiting programs: Healthy Babies, an accredited program of Healthy Families America®, Adolescent Family Life Program, Early Head Start, and Public Health Nursing’s Maternal and Child Health Program.
In October of 2015 South Carolina became the eighth state to launch Moving Beyond Depression™. This effort was led by the following organizations, Carolina Health Centers, Little River Medical Center, and Low Country Health Care System. These three organizations provide home visiting services to mothers in ten counties utilizing the following models, Healthy Families America®, Nurse-Family Partnership®, and Healthy StepsSM. This effort was made possible by support from Children’s Trust of South Carolina through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
In May of 2016 Moving Beyond Depression launched in Missouri and expanded services in Kansas. This effort was made possible by Children’s Mercy Hospital, The Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City and United Way of Greater Kansas City as part of the Promise 1000 Home Visiting Collaborative. The Family Conservancy will be providing In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to mothers enrolled in the following home visiting programs: Child Abuse Prevention Association, Children’s Mercy Hospital’s Healthy Families America, Children’s Mercy Hospital’s TIES Program, Cornerstones of Care, Easter Seals Midwest, Front Porch Alliance, Kansas Area Parents as Teachers, Project Eagle and Start at Zero. Moving Beyond Depression will serve the following counties: Cass, Clay, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Platte, Ray in Missouri, and Johnson and Wyandotte County in Kansas.
Florida is the 11th state to offer Moving Beyond DepressionTM to mothers in home visiting program in Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa and Quincy. This effort was made possible by Florida Maternal, Infant & Early Childhood Home Visiting Initiative. MBDTM treatment will be provided by therapists from Child Guidance Center, Meridian Behavioral Healthcare Inc., Success 4 Kids & Families Inc., REACHUP Inc. and Healthy Start Coalition of Miami-Dade. The following home visiting programs will be offering MBDTM treatment to mothers enrolled in Florida Healthy Start in Jacksonville/Clay County, Tampa Miami and Quincy; HRSA Healthy Start in Tampa; Nurse-Family Partnership® in Jacksonville, Tampa and Miami and Parents As Teachers® in Gainesville.
Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency, California, launched Moving Beyond Depression™ in January 2017, for mothers in the following home visiting programs: Adolescent Family Life Program, Nurse Home Visiting Program, and Yolo County Children’s Alliance. Moving Beyond DepressionTM treatment is provided by CommuniCare Health Centers with 2 therapists serving English and Spanish speaking mothers.